We have been using this vocabulary frame in therapy…turns out is works well on the blog also 🙂
I guess I’ve been on a blog sabbatical! At work, I’m just trying to keep my head above the paperwork waters. I’m proud to say that I’ve done my online documentation (previously known as medicaid billing and always known as a major time sponge) the same day of service EVERY DAY for the ENTIRE YEAR. This is huge for me because in the past I was notoriously behind due to well, life. You know that therapy life of planning, creating, implementing, documenting, and meeting about therapy…and then you get to document all of that all over again?! The district expectation is to be current within the week, and I have been current to the day. (yay me!) But alas, no blog entry.
I have supervised two graduate student interns this year. There have been numerous professional conversations about parent/teacher/student communication, building relationships with all stakeholders, specific technique and rationale, patterns of speech/language behavior, educational trends, and evidence based research. Thanks to a post from Activity Tailor, I learned about “The Informed SLP” which has filled my EBP and research bucket so full! But alas, no blog entry.

This is a free app! And it definitely FREES up time while improving parent/SLP communication!
I’ve become Brightwheel’s #1 fan. I am snapping pictures like crazy of materials and work productivity so parents know in real time the WHAT and HOW of our speech language skill work. But alas, no blog entry.
I’ve been able to reach outside my therapy room to the perfect spot on campus that aligns with the stars to upload my therapy photos on instagram. But alas, no blog entry.
We’ve explored some very cool authors/illustrators (#OliverJeffersObsessed) and units (Everyday inventions and their African American Inventors. I even presented at a staff PD about executive functioning. But alas, no blog entry.

These one page stories are the perfect length for therapy sessions!
The grocery store knows us by name. I’ve been to piano, violin, and soccer weekly. Started a neighborhood book club with Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls. Binge watched “How I Met your Mother” and decided the name of the show should have been “Robyn, Robyn, Robyn”. Planned family road trips to DC and FL. Dreaming about a trip to Portugal, Spain, and Italy. Currently immersed in “Hawaii 5-0”. But alas, no blog entry.
Life is such a balancing act. I always want more time (and more Hootie songs!) My mantra this year has been to “follow your arrow”…do what feels right for your path. I’ve learned I do really well with predictable patterns, so I’m working on building a better blog post pattern. I’ve learned to give myself permission to not juggle every ball all the time. And HEY! Here’s a blog entry!