Today I begin my 21st year of my career yet it is a year of many firsts. It also comes with a serious technology learning curve. But you know what isn’t new? The back-to-school jitters and excitement that keeps me up ALL NIGHT on the eve of the first day. The passion that I have for empowering children to find and use their voice. The new school supplies that make my heart happy (hello flair pens, colorful planner, and bright printer paper!). The personal connections.
We may be accessing this school year differently, but at the core of it all not much has changed. I’m still me, here to encourage, listen, love, cultivate, communicate, learn, and teach. Everyday.
I wish for you a successful new school year, whatever that picture might look like for you. Give yourself grace. Find your marigold. Look for the fun. Be present for this journey.